mike petite (the clashers) dj at the royal wedding reception april, 2011 mp3 256kbps

Mike Petite (The Clashers) DJ at the Royal Wedding Reception April, 2011 - Dilated Peoples vs Kanye West vs The Cure - Close This Way (Dj Topcat)
Mike Petite (The Clashers) DJ at the Royal Wedding Reception April, 2011 - Dizzee Rascal VS Fake Blood VS Arabesque - Fake Disco Flex (KrazyBen)
Mike Petite (The Clashers) DJ at the Royal Wedding Reception April, 2011 - Starkillers vs Armand Van Helden - Funk Phenomena in Cantina (Milk Brothers)
Mike Petite (The Clashers) DJ at the Royal Wedding Reception April, 2011 - Hook N Sling vs Eurythmics - Sweet Ghostship (White Label)